Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Belated Two Cents

Over the past week, I've been doing an experiment. More specifically, my "hiatus" from Stardoll was the experiment. The results were astonishing. It turns out, I'm not a Stardoll addict. Really. Apparently, I can't live a day without my dose of celebrity gossip, but Stardoll, that I can survive without.

Still, a lot happened during my absence. Most importantly, Stardoll released a new tribute store. Shocking, huh? Alright, that happened a week ago, but I only regained access to my precious computer a mere half hour ago.

The store is alright, I suppose. Colorful and cutesy, but a slight disappointment compared to the Lanvin one. Overall, a nice effort.

I am certain a lot more has happened to Dollywood in the past 8 days or so, I'm just too exhausted to even bother to find out. Oh well. I still have a whole month before school starts to make up for the recent lack of posts.

PS. Fear not, I haven't stopped bitching about Stardoll. I'm just really, really tired.

UPDATE: Upon further reflection, I decided I fucking love this tribute. I swear, I haven't purchased so many items at once, like, ever! Bravo, Stardoll, bravo.

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