Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Look At Me, I'm So Edgy!

I understand that Stardoll is no longer a website exclusive to children, but, still, a large portion of its members are considerably young -at times, too young to even be familiar with the often bizarre world of the Internet. Apparently, though, sometimes, behind the cogent disguise of the innocent little angel, exists a sex-crazed freak.

Let me unriddle this for you.

Looking through the seemingly endless list of parties held in Dollywood, one's reactions may vary from mildly perplexed to downright disgusted. I find my self somewhere between half-amused and excuse-me-while-I-vomit. Because somewhere among the hilarious "wedding" parties and the forgettable Starpoint-less parties, hide either the most repulsive perverts or the horniest prepubescent brats. Oh yes, prepubescent. From the infamous $ex Parties to the Only-Hot-Juiceheads "fests", Stardoll has basically turned into bait for pedos and psychos.

I am no prude. In fact, I am confoundedly more liberal than most of my try-hard "daring" friends. But the thought that there are twelve year-olds out there with vaster sexual experience than me -real or virtual- is disturbing and, quite frankly, vomit inducing.

As for the large and colorful list of tirades that these underage "scapegraces" flawlessly master, let's just say, in the immortal words of Professor Farnsworth:

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