Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Welcome Back, Good Ol' Stardoll...

This is exactly what I needed.

I was so looking forward to Young Hollywood 2.0. The first collection was so-so, but had some really great dresses and lovely shoes. Naturally, I was expecting something of that sort.

Initially, my disappointment originated from the fact that I had missed the GaGa bodysuit and the wig (My baby is so popular!). Then, I actually took a look at the clothes.

Man. I've never seen anything so tacky, ugly and horrible since Selena Gomez's latest video. Where are the lovely shoes? Where are the edgy dresses? I am not going to deny that they had potential; it's just that the graphic designers completely fucked up.

Young Hollywood 2.0 is marred by horribly designed, overly expensive accessories and mediocre - at best - garments. Of course, if you are a brand-lover, there is one fugly dress whose price tag reads 25 Stardollars.

Personally, I'd like to have seen any Coachella outfits. Or Rihanna's Bob Marley swimsuit.

It looks like Stardoll didn't learn anything from the disastrous sales of the original Young Hollywood. (Note: disastrous, for a limited edition brand.)

Aaand, it's official. Stardoll finally ditched mediocrity for bullshit, and I've got my mojo back.

Monday, September 12, 2011

A Starplaza Review Because I'm Bored.

Returning to Stardoll was probably the dumbest decision I've made. Because, really, the items released post my leaving and prior to my returning were simply gorgeous. Not just the garments, but the furniture as well. All I see now is expensive piece of shit crap (woah) that no one - ever - should own.

God, how I loved PPQ. Note the past tense.

This new collection seems to have a theme; boring, long-sleeved dresses.

The funny thing is that the quality of the graphics is excellent. Many of the dresses look pretty great, but... I can't put my finger on it, but there is something on the clothes, a certain quality. Maybe it's those horrid boots, maybe it's those hilariously horrid hats. Maybe it's the lack of originality. Or maybe - maybe - it's the ridiculous prices. 

My favorite items are the Metal Jumble necklace and the Ebony Gather top. The dresses are nice enough, but nothing special, to be frank.

Pfft, I am sick of my Starplaza reviews; they've lost their sarcastic charm. So, from now on, when you see a new store, imagine a witty and hilarious post by me.

On another note, school started for me today. Oh, lawd, I am bored already.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

First of all, in case you've lived under a rock for the past ten years or are plain ignorant, today is 9/11. Ten years ago today a tragic event occurred in New York; an airplane crashed on the twin towers and, as a result, many human lives were lost that day.

Unfortunately, this blog is Stardoll-related and, besides, I shouldn't be the one to analyze the events, as I was in a different country, completely unaffected by the tragedy.

The actual point of this post is the fact that, tomorrow, school begins for those of us living in Greece. I am a junior now, which means that I will really have to focus on studying now, as, next year, I'll be taking my introductory exams to university. Obviously, the time I will spend on the Internet, particularly Stardoll, will be limited and, thus, so will my posts.

Of course, I will be here to report on extremely important news, such as the winner of MSW and the shocking arrival of another tribute store.

Now, let's take a moment to think of the families of those who died ten years ago. No, I'm not being sarcastic anymore.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First: Yeah, I changed the blog's layout again.

Second: The MSW store reopened.

Frankly, it's okay. There are a couple of interesting dresses, a few overpriced belts and some hideous pairs of shoes. Yet another mediocre clothing line, courtesy of Stardoll. As I am writing this very post, my eyelids are heavy from the immense boredom.

Then again, the store reflects MSW itself. I'll just leave it at that.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Help! It's The Wrath Of The Undead Hand!

Is it Halloween already?

I haven't read Mortal Kiss - with the exception of a couple of chapters - so I can't tell if the store accurately depicts the feel and general atmosphere of the story. The Mortal Kiss garments seemed very classy but also a bit futuristic, whereas the homonymous interior reeks of 80s horror movie cheesiness. I would consider purchasing a few items for a Halloween-themed room if it weren't for the prices. I mean, come on. I can find better for less in Fallen Angel, and if I desperately wanted to spend a shitload of Stardollars on furniture, it would be Evening Falls.

Mortal Kiss 2 turns out to be a big, fat disappointment.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Let's have a toast for the douchebags, let's have a toast for the assholes...

Usually you don't see much depth in Stardoll users. Why should you? It's a fashion site that promotes conventional beauty, wealth and the general lack of imperfections or a personality. It is rare to come across an enticing project that isn't based upon such shallowness.

A few days ago, I read a heartbreaking post on MDM, written by Aislin Victory, about her cousin Emily, a girl who committed suicide as a result of relentless bullying. I am truly disgusted that just because one doesn't like someone's appearance, they feel the urge to taunt them to the point they want to hurt themselves.

Bullying isn't that uncommon an occurrence on Stardoll. About a week ago, Austin (alexapie200) was tormented on his own guestbook by fellow Stardoll users because of a photoshopped picture of himself sporting... lipstick and blush. (More on the story, here.) The comments were nasty and, unfortunately, many people called out on the victim of this situation for not blocking his bullies. As if this horrendous act rightfully enraged them and it is only common sense why they had to keep throwing tirades at him. As if it's his fault that some people have nothing better to do with their lives. Frankly, I don't care if this person is a famewhore. Hell, I don't care if he's called you "fat", or a "bitch"; stooping to such a low level just to publicly humiliate a child is exasperating.

Bullying is neither acceptable nor will impress anyone, and, fortunately, there are some people who have realized it. Aislin, for example, decided to launch 'Beauty Week', in order to "remind everyone how beautiful they really are". She even took to the popular blog to reach out to talented Star Designers to help her create T-shirts in her cousin's memory.

She's not alone, though. On the same blog, mere hours ago, I read an interesting post by Dei (To_Royal), who led me to The Stardoll Peace Project, created by audreyxbeth. No, this isn't a flower children gathering. It's more of a "star vehicle" for talented Stardoll users who wish to have their projects showcased in a more accessible platform. As the name indicates, bullying is not tolerated and no form of discrimination is acceptable. (I wonder if Reece will finally find a place where he is wanted.)

Hopefully, more people will follow suit; projects such as those mentioned above are to be applauded by the Stardoll community.

Come on then; applaud!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Oops, They Did It Again!

To be completely honest, I've been waiting for this moment for a long time.

[click to enlarge]

In the heat of the MSW competition, it looks like some may have gone a little overboard with the broadcasting system. We already knew that there are plenty of users in possession of a great amount of Stardollars, who abuse it, but, apparently, now with the month-long Covergirl competition MSW things are ten times worse.

I am on the fence about this. On the one hand, no broadcasts means no more desperate cries for votes - for now.  Plus, this will most likely mean that less than fortunate members, Stardollars-wise, will have equal chances at being noticed. On the other hand, this means that people will see this a chance to fill as many guestbooks as possible with relentless pleas, troll posts and, in general, unwanted bullshit And, of course, rare-lurkers collectors will miss out on a lot of great bargains.

All I can think right now is how grateful I am that this contest is only virtual. Imagine if Stardoll was, say, a big, international high school filled with rabid teenagers who aim to win the big prize; I know this possibility is dreadful.

The only reason why I would participate in such a travesty - I completely disagree with the concept that beauty and, in general, such shallow characteristics should be considered virtues - would be the 1000 Stardollars. Frankly, that's about it. I couldn't care less about fame, especially on a website. Even in my real life, I try to simply blend into the background. (Note, simply blend into the background, not change my views on certain matters just to feel part of a group.) Of course, fame seems to be the primary motive for most people, as usually MSW contenders spend hundreds of dollars in order to look appealing enough to deserve the prize - pathetic, in my opinion. 1000 Stardollars would roughly cover their expenses. So, what could it be that they desire so much? Perhaps a few friends? Doubt it. Probably, just to feel popular, envied, even desirable, in order to make up for the inadequacy of their own social life.

The question is, why does everybody else have to listen to your virtual moan about how a silly competition is your biggest dream and my bitterness is not letting you turn it into reality?

Sorry this ended up being another seemingly endless rant, but I was feeling inspired.

PS. The new Blogger is busting my balls right now.

UPDATE: Aaaand... the broadcasts have returned.